Gaiscioch Select Chapter


Helldivers II
ArcheAge Chronicles
Camelot Unchained
Dune Awakening
Light No Fire
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
Royal Quest Online
Black Desert
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


138 Tuatha Guilds:
9,130 Members:
14,014 Characters:
11,709 Items:
Elder Scrolls Online

Céad Míle Fáilte
(One Hundred Thousand Welcomes)

Welcome to the humble home of the Gaiscioch community. Our Elder Scrolls Online chapter launched in 2016 on the Ebonheart Pact faction. After being heavily involved in testing we decided to open a chapter to allow those of us who fell in love with Tamriel long ago to enjoy some virtual adventures together. Since then, we've enjoyed a wide range of activities from Alliance vs Alliance combat, to dungeons, to open world map clears and even Trials.

Our community is dedicated to running open activities for all players in Elder Scrolls Online to enjoy. We place enjoyment above all else and seek to help introduce people to one another so that they may build lasting memories and friendships. In 2018, we announced the launch of our first Public Community Event Series in Elder Scrolls Online titled "Chronicles of Tamriel".

If you're looking for a highly social and friendly community of mature gamers be sure to look over some of our information and features below to see if we are a good fit for you.

Learn More About Gaiscioch Watch Our Community Trailer

Tell us about yourself:
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Elder Scrolls Online Chapter Statistics

The Battle Rages and We Are Ready!

ESO Members


Dungeon Bosses

Resource Camps




Chapter Features

Our system encourages interaction, sharing, and building lasting friendships.


Our community is built in a way that any player can choose to lead events and activities and climb the warlord ranks. Leaders gain a full range of tools to help them organize, lead, and track their victories on the battlefield.


Members can attend activities planned by leaders to gain Honor Points and Vault Credits. Each time a member participates they gain currency that allows them to buy crafted goods, materials, or even games.


Our calendar is packed with scheduled events for each of our chapters. In addition to the scheduled events, there are unscheduled pickup events that happen every day.


Being a new member to Gaiscioch is daunting at first. Let our Mentors help guide you through your first few months. We offer 1 on 1 mentorship for all new members to ensure their experience is the best possible.


Our Tavern is filled with over a decade worth of history and discussions. Discussions range from in game to real world life challenges.

Voice Communication

Gaiscioch uses Discord as a voice communication provider. While voice communication is optional, we encourage all to listen in and be an active voice in the community.

Monthly Newsletter

Each month upon request, the Gaiscioch Family Notes is sent to your inbox filled with information about the community to help you plan your months activities and stay connected with the community.


Order new items for our chapter games or fill a work order for a crafted item or material. At the marketplace you can buy items and materials using Vault Credits.

Loot Vault

What could be better? Playing games to earn new games. Our loot vault is filled with game codes donated by players and game studios. Use Vault Credits to score a new game for your library..


Show your Gaiscioch pride with one of our many shirts, hats, coffee mugs, or jerseys sold at cost.

Unique Ranks

Players earn a unique rank based on their gender, family rank, warlord rank, and length of time they've been active with the community giving each and every member a unique title within the community.

Special Opportunities

Gaiscioch is approached by game studios constantly to share their feedback and testing ability with their studio. As a Gaiscioch you can join the Pioneer team and help make better games.

Focus on Community

We go above and beyond to help provide knowledge and make experiences memorable.

Community Events

Gaiscioch spends months preparing massive community events for game communities. We entertain the masses and provide players with a memorable experience.


Gaiscioch Magazine launched in March of 2014 as a free volunteer driven quarterly publication produced by the Gaiscioch Community.


Knowledge is worthless if not shared. Our guides have been heralded by websites, game studios, and players for more than a decade. We demystify game content and provide easy to read guides for all.


Gaiscioch Livestreams produce engaging video interaction with some of the hottest games on the market. We feature playthroughs, first looks, lets play, previews and reviews across our livestreaming platforms. Streaming daily to Twitch & YouTube Gaming.
