Gaiscioch Select Chapter


Helldivers II
ArcheAge Chronicles
Camelot Unchained
Dune Awakening
Light No Fire
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
Royal Quest Online
Black Desert
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


138 Tuatha Guilds:
9,130 Members:
14,014 Characters:
11,709 Items:

Gaiscioch Charity Involvement

The Gaiscioch are community focused both in game and out. They have maintained a constant involvement with charities and hold regular special events. The Gaiscioch strongly believe that relationships and memories are the most prized possession we will ever receive and look to make those same memories and relationships out of the game world and into the real world.

In 2011, the Gaisicoch grew to such a size that it no longer was just a guild in a game. They grew over 1,500 members in just 12 months and began to see the potential for our social gaming community to help the outside world in our own way. Since 2011, they have been involved in annual charity events, corporate appreciation days, and also hold an annual pub night at PAX Prime in Seattle, Washington for members to meet and greet in the real world.

Being their membership is largely made up of mature adults between the age of 35 - 55 they found that they have more than enough desire to help others when they can and have an amazing ability to inspire those around us to help out as well. In their very first event the Gaiscioch placed 11th world wide in the Extra Life Charity Event as a Top 15 Contributor. They raised more money than Activision, Treyarch, Paragon Studios, and Wizards of the Coast for the Children's Miracle Network bringing in a total of $8,875.01.

Annual Charity Events:

Fall Charity Event:
The Extra Life Event

The Extra Life Event is a annual charity event to benefit the Children's Miracle Network by recruiting gamers to play 24 hours straight to raise money for CMN. The Gaiscioch began participation in this event in the fall of 2011 where it placed 11th world wide raising $8,875.01 for the Children's Miracle Network. In 2012 we earned $7,908.00 placing in the top 25 groups worldwide. Combined the Gaiscioch have contributed $57,739

Event Raised
2024 Extra Life Charity Event $1,371
2023 Extra Life Charity Event $1,778
2022 Extra Life Charity Event $3,607
2021 Extra Life Charity Event $3,381
2020 Extra Life Charity Event $2,019
2019 Extra Life Charity Event $4,529
2018 Extra Life Charity Event $2,282
2017 Extra Life Charity Event $3,850
2016 Extra Life Charity Event $4,220
2015 Extra Life Charity Event $4,368
2014 Extra Life Charity Event $4,456
2013 Extra Life Charity Event $5,095
2012 Extra Life Charity Event $7,908
2011 Extra Life Charity Event $8,875
TOTAL: $57,739

Year Round Charity Event:
The Gaiscioch Double-Up Charity Event

In March of 2012 the Gaiscioch Community launched their first ever Charity Event entirely planned and operated internally benefiting several children's charities. This event is open year round and benefits multiple charities at the same time. The first of which is KOHL's Cares which donates proceeds to Children's Educational Programs. The second is selected by the member from a lineup of partner charities that accept Stuffed Animal donations. The Animals ordered through KOHL's are then shipped directly to the chosen charity.

To date the Gaiscioch Family has shipped more than 626 stuffed animals to these children's charities.

Media Coverage:

Gaiscioch Proudly Supports
These Wonderful Children's Charities:

Children's Miracle Network

2011-2013 ExtraLife Charity

Candlelighters For Children With Cancer

2012-2013 Double-Up Charity

Project Night Night

2013 Double-Up Charity

Kohl's Cares

2012 Double-Up Charity
Insights Teen Parent Services

2012 Double-Up Charity

Raphael House

2012 Double-Up Charity