Gaiscioch Select Chapter


ArcheAge Chronicles
Elder Scrolls Online
Final Fantasy XIV
Diablo IV
Path of Exile 2
Camelot Unchained
Ashes of Creation
Chrono Odyssey
Dune Awakening
Light No Fire
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


138 Tuatha Guilds:
9,107 Members:
13,735 Characters:
11,709 Items:

Gaiscioch Food Store

Item Item Type Level Skill Required  Cost Request Item
Fishy Stick Consumable 1 0 3
Baked Apples Consumable 1 0 3
Roast Venison Consumable 5 0 5
Banana Surprise Consumable 1 0 5
Fresh Apples And Eidar Cheese Consumable 5 0 5
Carrot Soup Consumable 1 0 5
Alik'r Beets With Goat Cheese Consumable 20 0 5
Whiterun Cheese-baked Trout Consumable 20 0 5
Apple Baked Fish Consumable 15 0 5
Sweet Sanguine Apples Consumable 1 0 8
Pan-fried Trout Consumable 15 0 8
Princess' Delight Consumable 1 0 8
Solstheim Elk And Scuttle Consumable 45 0 8
Grape Preserves Consumable 1 0 8
Stormhold Baked Bananas Consumable 30 0 8
Apple Cobbler Supreme Consumable 35 0 8
Roast Corn Consumable 1 0 8
The Secret Chef's Beet Crostata Consumable 10 0 8
Swwr Sanguine Apples Consumable 1 0 8
Carrot Cheesecake Consumable 10 0 8
Chicken Breast Consumable 1 0 8
Last Seed Salad Consumable 10 0 8
Flank Steak Consumable 5 0 10
Venison Pasty Consumable 20 0 10
Crispy Cheddar Chicken Consumable 35 0 10
Melon Jelly Consumable 5 0 10
Lilmoth Garlic Hagfish Consumable 15 0 10
Firsthold Fruit And Cheese Plate Consumable 15 0 10
Creamcheese Frosted Gorapple Cake Consumable 35 0 10
Mistral Banana Bread Consumable 45 0 10
Orcrest Garlic Apple Jelly Consumable 1 0 10
Green Salad Consumable 5 0 10
Jerall View Inn Carrot Cake Consumable 30 0 10
Taneth Chili Cheese Corn Consumable 10 0 10
Rihad Beet And Garlic Salad Consumable 25 0 10
Seared Slaughterfish With Mammoth Cheese Consumable 1 0 13
Grilled Hare Consumable 5 0 13
Falkreath Meat Loaf Consumable 25 0 13
Pumpkin Puree Consumable 5 0 13
Green Bananas With Garlic Consumable 25 0 13
Melon-chevre Salad Consumable 45 0 13
Cyrodilic Cornbread Consumable 40 0 13
Baked Potato Consumable 1 0 13
Garlic-and-pepper Venison Steak Consumable 15 0 13
Nibenese Garlic Carrots Consumable 20 0 13
Baked Sole With Bananas Consumable 25 0 13
Rimmen Raisin Cookies Consumable 35 0 13
Roasted Beet And Millet Salad Consumable 35 0 13
Cheesemonger's Salad Consumable 40 0 13
Mage's Goreapple Porridge Consumable 45 0 13
Crawdad Quiche Consumable 10 0 13
The Skald - King's Patty Melt Consumable 10 0 13
Kwama Egg Quiche Consumable 5 0 13
Grape - Glazed Bantam Guar Consumable 15 0 15
Silverside Perch Pudding Consumable 10 0 15
Sun's Height Pudding Consumable 30 0 15
Kwama Egg Omelet Consumable 10 0 15
Elinhir Roast Antelope Consumable 30 0 15
Mammoth Snout Pie Consumable 40 0 15
Rabbit Haunch With Cheese Consumable 40 0 15
Tomato Soup Consumable 5 0 15
Banana Millet Muffin Consumable 10 0 15
Apple - Eidar Cheese Salad Consumable 30 0 15
Parmesean Eels In Watermelon Consumable 30 0 15
Cantaloupe Bread Consumable 25 0 15
Hearty Garlic Corn Chowder Consumable 15 0 15
Tenmar Millet-carrot Couscous Consumable 15 0 15
Deregulated Mushroom Stew Consumable 1 0 15
Grape-glazed Bantam Guar Consumable 15 0 15
Port Hunding Cheese Fries Consumable 15 0 15
Thrice-baked Gorapple Pie Consumable 15 0 15
Bravil's Best Beet Risotto Consumable 15 0 15
Borscht Consumable 5 0 15
Steamed Radishes Consumable 5 0 15
Pumpkin Cheesecake Consumable 10 0 15
Balmora Cabbage Biscuits Consumable 15 0 15
Khajiiti Sweet-stuffed Duck Consumable 5 0 15
Senchal Curry Fish And Rice Consumable 30 0 15
Stros M'kai Grilled Seagull Consumable 40 0 15
Garlic Guar Stuffed Grape Leaves Consumable 10 0 15
Stuffed Capon Consumable 10 0 15
Beef Stew Consumable 15 0 15
Hunter's Pie Consumable 10 0 18
Cheese Pork Schnitzel Consumable 25 0 18
Chicken And Biscuits Consumable 25 0 18
Shepherd's Pie Consumable 15 0 18
Tomato Borscht Consumable 15 0 18
Stuffed Venison Haunch Consumable 20 0 18
Stuffed Grape Leaves Consumable 15 0 18
Cinnamon Gorapples Consumable 25 0 18
Clan Mother's Banana Pilaf Consumable 35 0 18
West Weald Corn Chowder Consumable 1 0 18
Pickled Carrot Slurry Consumable 5 0 18
Rumare Slaughterfish Pie Consumable 40 0 18
Khajiiti Apple Spanakopita Consumable 1 0 18
Rajhin's Sugar Claws Consumable 1 0 18
Vvardenfell Ash Yam Loaf Consumable 45 0 18
Crunchy Spider Skewer Consumable 1 0 18
Hag Fen Pumpkin Pie Consumable 1 0 18
Mudcrab Corn Fritters Consumable 35 0 18
Beet-glazed Pork Consumable 10 0 18
Bravil Melon Salad Consumable 10 0 18
Gilane Garlicky Greens Consumable 10 0 18
Rabbit Pasty Consumable 10 0 18
Spicy Beet Salad Consumable 15 0 18
Stir-fried Garlic Beef Consumable 15 0 18
Eidar Radish Salad Consumable 25 0 18
Salted Cod Consumable 25 0 18
Ordinator's Beetle-cheese Soup Consumable 1 0 18
Mid Year Green Salad Consumable 10 0 18
Salmon With Radish Slaw Consumable 10 0 18
Sweet Potatoes Consumable 10 0 18
Monkeypig Cutlets Consumable 15 0 20
Savory Banana Cornbread Consumable 45 0 20
Elsweyr Corn Fritters Consumable 25 0 20
Breton Bubble And Squeak Consumable 10 0 20
Hare In Garlic Sauce Consumable 30 0 20
Peacock Pie Consumable 20 0 20
Orcish Bratwurst On Bun Consumable 10 0 20
Skyrim Jazaby Crostata Consumable 40 0 20
Honey Nut Treat Consumable 5 0 20
Late Hearthfire Vegetable Tart Consumable 15 0 20
Battaglir Chowder Consumable 20 0 20
Indoril Radish Tartlets Consumable 35 0 20
Savory Thorn Cornbread Consumable 45 0 20
Sun-dried Caravan Provisions Consumable 45 0 20
Necrom Beetle-cheese Poutine Consumable 40 0 20
Ghastly Eye-bowl Consumable 1 0 20
Curried Kwama Scrib Risotto Consumable 1 0 20
Pumpkin Corn Fritters Consumable 15 0 20
Garlic Pumpkin Seeds Consumable 20 0 20
Garlic Mashed Potatoes Consumable 30 0 20
Baby Carrots In Moon-sugar Glaze Consumable 1 0 20
Bananas In Moon-sugar Syrup Consumable 10 0 20
Combwort Flatbread Consumable 5 0 20
Dunmeri Jerked Horse Haunch Consumable 5 0 20
Melon Carpaccio Consumable 10 0 20
Red Deer Stew Consumable 10 0 20
Savory Mid Year Preserves Consumable 1 0 23
Corinthean Roast Kagouti Consumable 5 0 23
Cloudy Dregs Inn Bouillabaisse Consumable 5 0 23
Rabbit Loin With Bitter Green Consumable 15 0 23
Camlorn Pork Sausage Consumable 35 0 23
Hearthfire Harvest Pilaf Consumable 20 0 23
Apple Mashed Potatoes Consumable 25 0 23
Deshaan Honeydew Hors D'ouevre Consumable 15 0 23
Cyrodilic Pumpkin Fritters Consumable 30 0 23
Tomato Garlic Chutney Consumable 15 0 23
Garlic Cod With Potato Crust Consumable 15 0 23
Garlic Radishes Consumable 5 0 23
Coldharbour Daedrat Snacks Consumable 10 0 23
Ash-hopper Dumplings On Scathecraw Consumable 45 0 23
Grilled Camel On Cornbread Consumable 1 0 23
Elsweyr Fondue Consumable 45 0 23
Eidar Banana Radish Vichyssoise Consumable 1 0 23
Velothi Cabbage Soup Consumable 50 0 23
Blacklight Oxen Meatballs Consumable 45 0 23
Beef And Beets Pasty Consumable 20 0 23
Narsis Bantam Guar Hash Consumable 35 0 23
Tarragon Chicken Consumable 10 0 23
Rabbit Millet Pilaf Consumable 15 0 23
Chorrol Corn On The Cob Consumable 30 0 23
Cinnamon Grape Jelly Consumable 30 0 23
Nord Warrior Potato Porridge Consumable 10 0 23
Melon - Radish Salad Consumable 15 0 25
Spinner's Taboo Salad Consumable 40 0 25
Blackwood Stuffed Banana Leaves Consumable 35 0 25
Savory - Sweet Fried Kale Consumable 5 0 25
Millet-stuffed Pork Loin Consumable 1 0 25
Argonian Saddle-cured Rabbit Consumable 5 0 25
Yellow Oxen Loaf Consumable 20 0 25
Redoran Peppered Melon Consumable 20 0 25
Redguard Venison Pie Consumable 30 0 25
Sweet Dune Gnocchi Consumable 30 0 25
Summer Sundas Soup Consumable 40 0 25
Venison Stuffed Grape Leaves Consumable 35 0 25
Chicken And Banana Fried Rice Consumable 40 0 25
Punkin Bunny Consumable 10 0 25
Orcish No - Rhubarb Salad Consumable 40 0 25
Shornhelm Ox-tail Soup Consumable 30 0 25
Drunken Goat Cheese With Radishes Consumable 45 0 25
Potato Rice Blintzes Consumable 25 0 25
Toasted Millet Salad Consumable 40 0 25
Grilled Timber Mammoth Kebabs Consumable 1 0 25
House Hlaalu Pumpkin Risotto Consumable 10 0 25
Skingrad Cabbage Soup Consumable 5 0 25
Sweetroll Consumable 10 0 28
Hearty Sun's Dusk Soup Consumable 20 0 28
Hammerfell Antelope Stew Consumable 5 0 28
Bruma Jugged Rabbit Consumable 35 0 28
Argonian Pumpkin Stew Consumable 20 0 28
Hearthfire Vegetable Salad Consumable 25 0 28
Solitude Salmon-millet Soup Consumable 15 0 28
Melon-baked Parmesan Pork Consumable 15 0 28
Forge - Wifes Spudmelon Pie Consumable 35 0 28
Radishes In Rice Consumable 10 0 28
Craglorn Skavenger Stew Consumable 45 0 28
Pellitine Tomato Rice Consumable 20 0 28
Snow Bear Glow-wine Consumable 1 0 28
Jagga-drenched Consumable 0 0 28
Twice-baked Potatoes Consumable 35 0 28
Pellitine Tomato Recipe Consumable 20 0 28
Kragenmoor Pickled Pumpkin Consumable 40 0 28
Akaviri Pork Fried Rice Consumable 45 0 28
Late-summer Corn Slaw Consumable 5 0 30
Rabbit Gnocchi Ragu Consumable 20 0 30
Grapes And Ash Yam Falafel Consumable 15 0 30
Oyster Tomato Orzo Consumable 45 0 30
Gradmam's Roast Rabbit Consumable 5 0 30
Colovian Beef Noodle Soup Consumable 1 0 30
Goblin - Style Grilled Rat Consumable 1 0 30
Alcaire Festival Sword-pie Consumable 1 0 30
Bergama Warning Fire Consumable 1 0 30
Lava Foot Soup-and-saltrice Consumable 1 0 30
Old Aldmeri Orphan Gruel Consumable 1 0 30
Chevre-radish Salad With Pumpkin Seeds Consumable 15 0 30
Fried Green Tomatoes Consumable 15 0 30
Breton Port Sausage Consumable 20 0 30
Sweet Horker Stew Consumable 10 0 30
Dragonstar Radish Kebabs Consumable 45 0 30
Wild - Boar And Beets Consumable 5 0 33
Highland Rabbit Stew Consumable 25 0 33
Pumpkin - Stuffed Fellrunner Consumable 30 0 33
Rabbit Corn Chowder Consumable 30 0 33
Mistral Banana-bunny Hash Consumable 15 0 33
Minotaur Slumgullion Consumable 35 0 33
Ashlander Ochre Mash Consumable 40 0 33
Black Marsh Wamasu Loin Consumable 40 0 33
Psijic Order Pigs In A Blanket Consumable 40 0 33
Gazelle Cutlet With Minced Pumpkin Consumable 45 0 33
Potato - Stuffed Roast Pheasant Consumable 1 0 33
Colovian Roast Turkey Consumable 25 0 33
Arenthia's Empty Tankard Frittata Consumable 10 0 35
Sticky Pork And Radish Noodles Consumable 15 0 35
Mother Mara's Savory Rabbit Stew Consumable 40 0 35
Crisp And Crunchy Pumpkin Snack Skewer Recipe Consumable 1 0 35
Frosted Brains Consumable 1 0 35
Ashlander Nix-hound Chili Consumable 50 0 35
Pork And Bitter Melon Consumable 25 0 38
Aunt Alessia's Pork Chops Consumable 35 0 38
Braised Rabbit With Spring Vegetables Consumable 15 0 38
Boiled Creme Treat Consumable 10 0 40
Lillandril Summer Sausage Consumable 10 0 40
Falinesti Forbidden Fruit Consumable 20 0 40
Hunt-wife's Beef Radish Stew Consumable 25 0 40
Raven Rock Baked Ash Yams Consumable 45 0 40
Crisp And Crunchy Pumpkin Snack Skewer Consumable 1 0 43
Fricasseed Rabbit With Radishes Consumable 35 0 43
Frostfall Pork Roast Consumable 30 0 45
Planked Abecean Longfin Consumable 1 0 70
Salmon Steak Supreme Consumable 5 0 73
Candied Jester's Coins Consumable 1 0 73
Withered Tree Inn Venison Pot Roast Consumable 15 0 75
Hircine's Meat Loaf Consumable 50 0 78
Sweet Skeever Gumbo Consumable 25 0 80
Nibenese Fricasseed Fawn Consumable 35 0 80
Goatherd's Pie Consumable 1 0 80
Summerset Rainbow Pie Consumable 35 0 83
Hissmir Fish-eye Rye Recipe Consumable 1 0 83
The Emperor's Venison Fricassee Consumable 10 0 83
Corinthe Corn Beef Consumable 20 0 85
Longfin Pasty With Melon Sauce Consumable 15 0 85
Jugged Rabbit In Preserves Consumable 15 0 85
Stirk Pork And Beets Consumable 40 0 85
Potentate's Supreme Cioppino Consumable 10 0 85
Capon Tomato-beet Casserole Consumable 15 0 88
Gold Coast Mudcrab Fries Consumable 40 0 88
Twenty Four Raven Pie Consumable 40 0 88
Vvardenfell Cliff Racer Ragout Consumable 35 0 90
Caramelized Goat Nibbles Consumable 45 0 90
Direnni Hundred Year Rabbit Bisque Consumable 45 0 90
Horker Loaf Consumable 40 0 90
Dawnstar Sun's Dusk Chowder Consumable 35 0 93
Markarth Short Pig Recipe Consumable 45 0 93
Parrot And Pumpkin Salad Consumable 45 0 93
Braised Sweetmeats Consumable 1 0 93
Slow - Simmered Rabbit Goulash Consumable 1 0 95
The Secret Chef's Pork Roast Consumable 10 0 98
Duck Soup Consumable 5 0 98
Imperial Stuffed Piglet Consumable 5 0 100
Riekling Suckling Bristleback Consumable 30 0 100