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Instance Walkthrough For "The Wild Hunt" Event

By: Vampiresbane

Instance Walkthrough for "The Wild Hunt" event. Compilation of quite a few authors as well as things I've added.

The dryads, although not targetable at first, are very nasty and attack in twos. Try to avoid their aggro range if possible. Both the twin trees and the sprite bosses can be skipped. Though at T4 you don't need a full group, it needs to be balanced. At all other tiers, a full, balanced group is highly recommended. Cold ones and deer scattered through the instance are relatively easy to kill and some players will need to kill them in order to complete the Tasks on the Master Huntsman Page

The best setup tends to be:
2 Tanks (depending on skill of group, both sword N board)
2 Healers (At most one WP)
2 Range DPS preferably
1 Melee DPS (flexible)

1. Run through most of the mobs. If you have a KotBS with you, have them TURN OFF THEIR AURAS. Stop at certain points to fight and kill.

2. At the Twin Trees (near the flock of deer and big dryad champions, right before the sprite boss, SPRINT and you will lose all the tree aggro. If you hang a sharp enough left, you will miss the sprite boss as well.

3. Do not heal near the sprite boss. Apparently all the orange sprites have a large dislike to healing. Heal well beyond the sprite boss to avoid this.

4. After the sprite boss, kill the two dryads to knock down the tree for the bridge.

4. Run through the animal mobs straight to the mothers. Kill the mothers and any added spawn. Rinse and repeat.

5. The puzzle – Have three people stand on the square stones directly in front of the pillars. When you do this, the pillars will glow with a symbol. Have the other three in the group go to the stone with the symbol on it and stand on it ONE at a time. If they stand in the wrong order, everyone gets zapped. Don’t panic; just step off the stones, heal up, and have someone else start the sequence. Even if you don’t get it right, eventually the birds will spawn. Click on one to travel to Kournos’ lair.

6. Stage 1

Things to lookout for:
-Shock of Nature

Shock of nature is a dot that takes out 10% of your health every second for about 10 seconds. There will be an alert "SHOCK OF NATURE ON " on your screen. Healers should use this to know who they would heal. One healer should help the "shocked" player and the other focus on keeping the tank alive. Other than that, it's a simple tank and spank. Eventually, Kournos, at around 70% health, shall stun everyone and go for one of the portals. Once stun wears off, everyone head to a portal. That is the dreaded Stage 2.

7. Stage 2

Things to lookout for:
-Stackable, undispellable, permanent healer debuff (-5% of heals received per charge, stacks up to 20 times)
-Raining Javelins.
(Having graphics on high helps the players see what portals are attackable and about to shoot spears.)

This stage, Kournos shall be invulnerable for the whole stage, so don't bother attacking him. I shall explain his attack routine and then what everyone should do.

First attack is the horizontal spear. You will see that three of the eight portals shall have a bluish glow on them. After some seconds, one spear for each portal will be thrown on a straight line from the portal, so you know where to find them. One single spear gives one charge of the healer debuff and hurts for a lot. You can dodge it, I BELIEVE that you can escape it if you stay near a CLOSED portal that is not directly in front of an open portal. Those spears will be fired three times and then one of the portals shall open and an invulnerable Kournos will emerge, he will fire 3-4 javelins to the sky and fall on random group members. You can see where the spears will land because the floor will sparkle green on the location. Get out of there, the aoe range of the spear is fairly large. You can dodge if you keep moving. After the javelin rain, he will walk inside again and resume the horizontal spear attack. This shall keep repeating.

The trick: the portals while open (with the bluish glow or just plain open when kournos is outside) can be targeted and damaged. You should dodge the javelins AND damage the portals at the same time. When the portals are destroyed, stage 3 will start.

Stage 2 career strategies:
Tank, you are useless now. Stay alive for stage 3. Do not attack, do not help, do not think. Run, hide and stay alive. Maybe practice doing the /special emote.
Healers, you shall heal the ones hit by the javelins, and stay alive too. You may help with the damaging if you are ranged, but it is not your priority.
MDPS, you can help, but be aware that you shall have a big healing debuff on this. The best is to keep away when you see a horizontal spear and damage a little the portal when Kournos leaves and is busy firing spears to the sky (DO NOT STAY TOO LONG OR YOU WILL BE SPEARED)
RDPS, now it is the time you shine. Ranged, ranged, ranged. Got some instants and morals? Use them! Keep moving, keep your eyes on the ground and you should get this done in no time.
The key for this one is speed. The longer you stay on this, bigger is the potential healing debuff and that will make your healers cry.

8. Stage 3

Things to lookout for:
- Shock of Nature (see stage 1)
- Animal Spirits.

Stage 3 starts once the portals have been destroyed.

wolf -> lion
lion -> dog
dog -> wolf

If you choose the wrong one, you get lightning bolted.

If you are correct, you get a buff, if you are not, you get zapped. It’s not enough to kill you unless your entire group clicks on the animals so appoint only one person. Each click will give one lightning bolt so if everyone does this and does it wrong, hello wipe.

Another tank and spank with a harder Kournos because you shall have your healing debuff from stage 2. Probably a RDPS shall aggro it at the beggining (they will keep the aggro from the portals). Get your detaunt ready and tank, taunt the waffle away. Eventually, he will yell “The hunters become the hunted!” and you will see an animal spirit above his head, and he will release a lion, a wolf, and a hound. ONE person needs to click the corresponding animal–wolf ->lion, lion ->dog, dog->wolf. If you are correct, you get a buff (shall grant you a "zealot/runepriest granted power" (like one of those that you get when you get buffed by those classes), if you are not, you get zapped. It’s not enough to kill you unless your entire group clicks on the animals so appoint only one person. Each click will give one lightning bolt so if everyone does this and does it wrong, hello wipe.

The granted power buff, from clicking the correct animal, is the counter for the special attack of the animal form Kournos shall take. He will become one animal and resume attacking. He shall have a huge damage shield. Pound him until the shield wears off and he shall revert to his normal form and be damageable again. Keep the hp high, beware shock of nature and use your new "spell" when needed and he shall fall. It is mainly a tank and spank with a twist.

9. Loot.

Congratulations on beating Kurnous.

Those who defeat Kurnous in his domain get a chance to loot the Fleet Stag Mantle. He only drops one per kill per gold bag. This cloak grants the ability to turn into a stag for a short period which boosts your run speed to that of being mounted.
