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Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
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World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
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Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
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Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


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Lantern Hook Expert: Main Heals

By: Jewelyn


I love to heal, i get such a thrill out of keeping MY SQUAD alive, yes MY SQUAD!!! If your in squad w me and Im the main healer you are in MY SQUAD. I claim possession of the pple in squad w me cuz i take very seriously my responsibility to keeping you all alive. :) However don't let this fool you into thinking i don't like to have fun or know how. I play mmo's for the specific purpose of having fun and therefor do whatever it takes to make that happen. So i have a motto. "NO DEATH = NO FUN!!!" now this does not mean that i'm going to let you die if you are in MY SQUAD. Rather it means that if someone happens to die due to whatever reason I will do my best to have fun w that death rather then stress over it. I like to try and lighten the mood over death cuz death is going to happen sometimes.

Anyways i took a several month break from playing rift before x-mas time due to the holidays and being involved in important things at home w my children and Vanagloria (my real life husband). I started to play again during x-mas break x-mas week to b exact. But have been mostly playing my rogue kristabelle i wanted to get her to lvl 50 which i achieved earlier this week. Today i healed my first t1 since i stopped playing back in early November. I was quite nervous and told the group that i was not sure how well i would do. I died on the first 3 pulls.... *sigh* in my defense the deaths were not entirely my fault. Mobs were pulled that the tank did not have aggro on that we were not ready to play w lol and you all know how mobs and bosses hate the healer...dead jewel!!!! BUT no death = no fun right? So in my good spirits i said "im winning iv died more then all the rest of you. :)

The rest of the run went very well for the most part. And we had a good time. Lantern Hook has always been one of my favorite dungeons, but i did not like it as much on expert lvl only cuz i experienced so many disasters in there as main heals on expert lvl. I hate loosing my squad it makes me feel like a REALLY BAD CLERIC.... So i was very happy when we were done that i was the one who died the most and not MY SQUAD!

I was a little nervous about doing the run but am very glad i went. I love this guild, our family, cuz we take care of each other and have patience for each other when we are trying to learn new things or in this case remember something old lol. I have always made a point to try and do the same for others as they learned to play their char. and get quite upset when pple are not patient w those who are trying to learn. Mostly cuz Im a slow learner, but Im very determined and get it eventually if pple just give me a chance.

So basically i had a great time in Lantern as main heals again today. And Im loving this guild so much. I came from a high populated pvp server and played w very competative impatient pple for the most part before coming here. This makes me LOVE you all so much more. <3 <3 <3 :)
